Monday, April 3, 2017

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Articles here do not necessarily represent official UBF teaching or any other UBF member or ex members point of view
University Bible Fellowship teaches marriage by faith.  Marriage by faith is often thought of as either matchmaking or refraining from dating and praying for God to miraculously provide a spouse but it is neither.  Marriage by faith is arranged marriage done through fraudulent misrepresentation and is rape via a third party through fraud because both bride and groom are tricked into having sex with each other.  I will examine unpopular views of marriage that are alternatives to both what UBF teaches and what mainstream society teaches.  I will examine marriage as a formal or somewhat formal consensual sex agreement as opposed to the problem of sex without definitive agreement making consent unclear.  Some of the ideas of those who claim to support marriage by faith are good in the sense that they addresses some serious problems with mainstream society but the solutions to some of the ethical problems involved with the way people in mainstream society date could be addressed through openly practicing matchmaking instead of using the hidden, secretive or deceptive methods of marriage by faith as has actually been practiced by some members of UBF leadership.
Suggestions for improving the discipleship process
Other articles that do not fit in the categories above


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